Saturday, 10 August 2024

Mind control routine and Regulations

 Mind control routine and Regulations 

     First of all how to stop the mind then by following the rule .stick to your rules And keep your mind pure, keep your emotions good. If you keep your mind in a routine, keep it in a routine every day, then the mind will automatically be controlled. Our mind is fickle so it will take some time to establish a routine but  If we focus our mind on a daily routine, we will have one rule in our mind.

 We should have a daily routine from morning till evening, what time we have to wake up in the morning and what time we have to sleep at night.If we keep this in our daily routine then our mind will come under control. You have to wake up early every morning, do exercise and whatever work you have to do throughout the day, you have to do it religiously. 

   If we work religiously then our mind will get peace, this will purify our mind and our mind will not behave like any other and our mind will automatically be controlled. If we live with everyone with pure feelings then our mind will automatically do good work and no one will do bad work, our mind will come under our control. 


So if we live our lives according to the rules, our mind will automatically be controlled. So by following a routine in life, you can keep your emotions pure and control your mind well. 

Wednesday, 7 August 2024

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 verse 7 verse 8

 Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 verse 7 verse 8

Verse 7 

O best of the brāhmaṇas, please hear of those who are distinct from us. I tell you of the heroes of my army for your information।।7।।

 अस्माकम्, तु, विशिष्टाः, ये, तान्, निबोध, द्विजोत्तम,

नायकाः, मम, सैन्यस्य, सज्ञार्थम्, तान्, ब्रवीमि, ते।। 7।।

Translate - O Dwijashrestha, now tell us the names of those who are chief in our army, who are the officers of my army; Listen to it, learn it.

It is not appropriate to refer to a commander as bi-superior in an external war. Actually the Gita is a struggle between the two instincts of the heart and there the Guru Drona is the epitome of the practice of duality. As long as we are separated from our Aaradhya by even an inch, Prakriti is present, duality is present. We get inspiration from Guru Dronacharya to conquer this 'Dwi'. It is our partially incomplete knowledge that motivates us to attain complete knowledge. It is not a place of worship, not a temple courtyard. It is a battlefield. There should be a heroic address.

Now who are the chiefs of Asat pravdhis?

Verse 8

Thou art Bhishma, Karna, Kripa and Samitinjaya. Ashvatthama and Vikarna            and also Saumadatt।।8।।

 भवान्, भीष्मः, च, कर्णः, च, कृपः, च, समितिजयः,

अश्वत्थामा, विकर्णः, च, सौमदत्तिः, तथा, एव, च।।8।।


Translate - One is you yourself (Dronacharya as the embodiment of duality). Bharramupi - Suspicious patriarch is 'Bhishma'. Illusion is the source of these disorders and remains alive till the end; So he is Pitamah. Even if all the army died, this one was alive. was lying unconscious on the bed; But he was still alive. So Bhishma is an illusion. Similarly there are 'Kripacharyas' (on our side) who are always victorious in asat karmarupi Karna and Sangrama. The act of grace done by the seeker in the state of Sadhana is Kripacharya. The Lord is merciful, He is the abode of grace. After its attainment, the saint's form also becomes similarly kanwalu. But as long as we live apart from the Lord in this sadhana period, He is also far away from us, separate. The false instinct is alive, it is wrapped in delusion. In such a situation, if the seeker acts with kindness, he is destroyed.